About Kenny Ong
Kenny Ong has been with Singapore Polytechnic as a lecturer for the past 9 years, and is passionate about Visual Effects. He has been the CG Effects Option Coordinator for the Diploma in Digital Media since 2007, and was instrumental in the curriculum development of the newly launched Diploma in Visual Effects and Motion Graphics (DVEMG). Besides being Module Coordinator, and teaching modules related to animation and visual effects, Kenny was involved in many industry projects including the National Day Parade 2010, Singapore After-Care Association Charity Premiere 2008 and National Geographic documentary "Warrior Bees". His students animated short film, Two Minutes Away from Launch was screened at the HD Festival 2008 in New York and Los Angeles.
Partially sponsored to further his studies in 2010, he is currently anticipating graduating Nov 2011 with a Masters in Visual Effects and will be heading back to Singapore to continue his lecturing position at Singapore Polytechnic.
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